Who Will Be Included in an IEP Meeting for My Child?

Law Offices of Joseph M. Fein

The process of qualifying for an individualized education program (IEP) and developing one can be challenging but also incredibly important for children and their families. Parents should be familiar with the process and prepared to navigate it which includes understanding who will be present at the IEP meeting.

Participants at the IEP meeting

Participation at the individualized education program meeting includes:

  • The child’s parents;

  • A general education teacher;

  • A special education teacher (if applicable);

  • Related providers or services for the child (if applicable);

  • A school psychologist (when applicable or if the meeting is an initial evaluation or reevaluation for students in grades K-12);

  • A social worker (if the social worker is involved in the evaluation process for students in grades K-12);

  • A district representative (a CPSE administrator for preschool-aged children);

  • A school physician (for students in grades K-12, if requested in writing by you or a member of the school at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting);

  • A certified IEP parent member (if requested in writing by you or a member of the school at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting);

  • An Early Intervention (EI) service coordinator (for preschool children, if requested by a parent);

  • The child (the student), if appropriate (if your child is 14 years old or older, the child must be invited)

This information can help parents better prepare for their child’s individualized education program meeting so that it is a successful meeting. It is also valuable for parents seeking an IEP to be familiar with education law and their rights so they can best advocate for the needs of their child and obtain the program they need.