Coping Strategies for Parents of Special Needs Children

Law Offices of Joseph M. Fein

Being a parent is a rewarding but challenging role, especially when you have a child with special needs. Parents of children with special needs may face additional stress, frustration, isolation and exhaustion as they try to balance their own needs with those of their child.

However, there are also many joys and benefits of raising a child with special needs, such as witnessing their resilience, growth and achievements. Parents can also learn new skills, develop stronger relationships and find meaning and purpose.

Stay Positive

Focus on your child’s strengths, abilities and potential rather than their limitations or problems. Express gratitude for the good things in your life and your child’s life. Try to find humor and joy in everyday situations.

Use Social Supports

Seek out and connect with other parents who have children with special needs or who understand your situation.

Join a support group, an online community or a parent advocacy organization. Share your feelings, experiences and advice with others who can empathize and offer encouragement.

Ask for help from your family, friends, neighbors or professionals when you need it.


Identify the challenges or issues that you and your child face and brainstorm possible solutions. Evaluate the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that best suits your needs and goals. Implement the solution and monitor its effectiveness.

Be flexible and willing to adjust or try something else if needed.

Treat Anxiety and Depression

If you experience symptoms of anxiety or depression, such as excessive worry, sadness, irritability, insomnia or loss of interest in activities, seek professional help. Anxiety and depression are common among parents of children with special needs and can affect your health, functioning and parenting.

There are effective treatments available, such as medication, therapy or self-help strategies that can help you cope better.

Manage Your Time

Plan ahead and prioritize your tasks and activities according to their importance and urgency. Create a daily or weekly schedule that includes time for yourself, your child, your family, your work and your leisure. Learn to say no to requests or demands that are not essential or beneficial for you or your child.

Delegate or outsource some of the chores or responsibilities that you can to others who can help. For instance, when you need help with your child’s education needs, it can be a good idea to seek advice and/or representation from professionals who have experience navigating the special education bureaucracy.