Programs and Resources Available

Cedarhurst Disabled Children Education Resources

I am special education attorney Joseph M. Fein. My law office, located in Cedarhurst and New York, is dedicated to helping families of disabled children with all issues related to education. Children with disabilities and the learning disabled have a variety of programs and resources available under state and federal law to help them succeed in school. Examples of disabled children’s resources include:

  • Speech therapy

  • Physical therapy

  • Occupational therapy

  • Resource rooms

  • Special class instruction

  • One-on-one assistance

  • FM receivers

  • Psychological services

  • ABA therapy

  • Auditory-verbal therapy

  • Reading programs

  • Consultant teacher services

  • Private placement

  • Home/hospital instruction

  • Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT)

These Resources Are Available Free Of Charge

Under the law, these resources are to be provided free of charge. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) established by the CPSE/CSE will establish what resources and programs your child is entitled to, and the testing and evaluation process chosen by the committee can determine your child’s future. However, their determination is not always the correct or final determination.

As the founding attorney of the Law Offices of Joseph M. Fein, I have extensive experience in disability and education law matters. I have established an extensive network of educational and health experts capable of helping your child get the services he or she needs to excel in school.

Helpful Links

How To Move With a Child With a Disability | Bramlett Residential
Renters Rights and Housing Assistance for People with Disabilities
Managing Your Child’s Transition to Adulthood
Home Modifications for Adults with Special Needs
Special Needs Checklist: How Disability-Friendly is Your City?
Vocational Training for Adults with Special Needs
Comprehensive Kids Developmental School: CKDS
Susan Luger Associates
BitIRA – Teaching Math and Computer Science to Kids with Special Needs

Protect Your Disabled Child’s Educational Rights!

Budget cuts have had a detrimental impact on special education services in New York. Don’t let budget cuts affect what the law demands, or what your child deserves. Contact me, disability and education lawyer Joseph M. Fein, to put your child’s future on sound legal ground. Call me (Cedarhurst and New York), or send me an email. I am proud to serve families in Long Island and all of the five boroughs.A special needs girl playing with a toy.